The Emerald Records Hit...
Randy Rich, Axel Praefcke, Michael Kirscht, Dylan Kirk, Jason Starday
"The Emerald Records Hit Parade of Stars"
Vinyl LP12" Limited - Emerald Records
Référence: BL754110-PC1
Jackie Wilson
Baby Workout
Vinyl LP 12" - Vee Tone Records
Country: UK
Date: 2016 (reussie of the Brunswick 1963 LP)
Label: Vee Tone Records
Ref.: BL754110
Format: Vinyl LP 12" 33rpm
Artist: Jackie Wilson
Title: Baby Workout
Style: Rhythm ‘n Blues, early Soul
Note: Vee-Tone Records are delighted to be working with the Brunswick Record Corporation, to re-issue this classic 1963 album from ‘Mr Excitement’. Baby Workout LP (BL 754110) by Jackie Wilson comes to you in full glorious stereo, and is the first release in a series of Jackie Wilson Brunswick 12” vinyl re-issues. It’s incredible to think that this album has never been previously re-issued on vinyl.
Side A
A1. Shake! Shake! Shake!
A2. The Kickapoo
A3. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
A4. You Only Live Once
A5. Say You Will
A6. Baby Workout
Side B
B1. It's All My Fault
B2. Love Train
B3. Now That I Want Her
B4. (I Feel Like I'm In) Paradise
B5. (So Many) Cute Little Girls
B6. What Good Am I Without You