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Rockabilly Generation Hors...
Rockabilly Generation Hors Serie #4
Special Gene Vincent
(French magazine)
Reference: WSCD-30
Stylus Duo Clean
Needle Clean Set
Information: Stylus Duo Clean Lab-21 formula is a complete and effective cleaning
solution for the stylus' delicate tip.
Removes dust and adhered dirt particles. Its non-abrasive cleaning fluid improves
tonal accuracy, tracking ability and High Fidelity performance. Extends both the stylus
and the record life and it's completely safe for all stylus and cardtriges assemblies
Special Double Set for preserving the purity of the Cleaner. Bottle One contains the stylus
cleaning solution and brush. Bottle Two contains the rinse solution for the brush, keeping
it debris-free which in turn helps preserve the contents of Bottle One.
Its formula is made with high purity materials. It can be used safely before each play
because it contains non-toxic components.
Content of the box
- Cleaner. 15 ml. glass bottle built-in soft brush in cap.
- Rinse Solution. 15 ml. glass bottle.
- Instructions